Reading is Good as well as Bad, isn't it ? How ? want to know ?


Reading is the one of the habit that can change human's life as well as  lifestyle.

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Why reading is important ?

Reading help us for the mental growth,it changes our thoughts making process, but how it's change your life it depends on the you. We know that every coin has two sides, like that reading is also has two sides there are two ways by which reading can affect our mind. First is good one that when your reading something about the values, moral and spiritual thing which gives you peace of mind and make you calm down and teach you good things like respect of others and many other things which aren't counted by us. But second one is bad/wrong one that when you reading something related to horror, murder, blood, evil, fighting, etc., that affects your mind and the bad thoughts are come  in your mind that diverts your mind in wrong way inspires you to do wrong things. This is not good for the our social health and society. It is especially harmful people who are under 20 to 25 mainly includes the teenager because there mind is not fully developed the mental growth is not continue and at this time, if they read the things like murder, kidnapping, rape,etc., then this things causes to the mental illness and affect there mind.

We are go behind the our topic and shortly talking about this if you're a parent the please read it. this things aren't affect children's mind through reading bur also with some scenes in movies and webseries (which contains over sexual  activities, blood, rape, etc.,) news like Murder, robbery, rape other news. We know that you have to up-to-date your child about the current situation but this things tell them after their puberty or after age of 15 up to that age provide them good books and other things by which they can learn many important things and also provide them good atmosphere take look which kind of friends they have, which people they are meets they are right or not

Move on to our topic,

what can do reading for me or why we focused on reading though we haven't have time for ourselves ?

Hmm... this question is may be right if your are doing your job or other work then whole day is finished in your work. Let make short time table of your time 8 hours of your sleep 6 to 8 hours of your work other time is for your launch, personal time or time which is passed during traffic and other ways then you don't get time for your hobbies and interests. If you manage your time then may be you your time your other hobbies or exercise. You don't get time for reading. But let recheck your timetable if you give time for your exercise and yoga for your physical health then you must have to give time for your mental health by reading or any other things but reading is one of most effective way for mental exercise because it not only help for getting mentally strong but also give you knowledge which can improve your personality and increase your vocabulary by it your spoken skills. so how you will get time for reading if don't have any anawer then we can suggest some ideas to you that are when you are going to office by taxi, bus or any other public transport services then keep a book with you or use mobile and read it during this
Travel time simply at that time if you're getting bored or you don't have any thing do.

How reading improve your personality ?

 while talking about this topic it gives us confidence, spoken skills with strong vocabulary and teach us lessons which may need experience to learn in the real life when we combine all this thing in one our personality is improved by reading. 
  • It increases intelligence.
  • Reading can make you more empathetic.
  • it can boost your brain power.
  • Flipping pages can help you understand what you’re reading.
  • It may help fight Alzheimer’s disease.
  • It increases your communication skills
  • Reading can help you relax.
  • Reading before bed can help you sleep.
  • Reading is contagious. 
  • It makes you confident.
  • It improves our pronounciation by reading loud.

What kind of book you should read ?

You can read any kind of book but try to books or articles which help you in you in your field. You can also learn the articles which inspired you and increase your thinking power.

Do you know quotes related to reading ?
Here we have some for you :

Alberto Manguel
Maybe this is why we read, and why in moments of darkness we return to books: to find words for what we already know.

Annie Dillard
She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.

Betty Smith
The world was hers for the reading.

Malala Yousafzai
Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.

Mark Haddon
Reading is a conversation. All books talk. But a good book listens as well.

Paul Sweeney
You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.

Beverly Cleary​
If you don’t see the book you want on the shelf, write it.

George R.R. Martin
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.

Neil Gaiman
A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.

J.K. Rowling
I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.

Thomas Wharton
An hour spent reading is one stolen from paradise.

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